BookDragon Books for the Diverse Reader

Secondhand World by Katherine Min [in Bloomsbury Review]

Secondhand WorldDon’t start this at night because you won’t get any sleep until you’ve finished the final page. And still, the characters will linger on. Min’s aching debut novel tells the story of Isadora Myung Hee Sohn – named after the dancer Isadora Duncan and called “Isa” – the daughter of Korean American immigrants struggling to find their place. The book opens with an orphaned Isa, having survived the fire that killed her parents, and moves backwards in time to reveal bit by bit the troubled, tragedy-filled lives of a family torn apart by misunderstandings, displacement, and loss.

Review: “In Celebration of Asian Pacific American Month: New & Notable Books,” The Bloomsbury Review, May/June 2007

Readers: Young Adult, Adult

Published: 2006



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