Karma and Other Stories by Rishi Reddi [in Bloomsbury Review]
Reddi’s debut – absolutely one of the best short story collections this year – captures the nuanced, often contradictory lives of multiple generations of the Indian diaspora. From the cranky old judge convinced he has made a better adjustment to the new world than his backward childhood friend, to a modern young woman scoffing at the concept of arranged marriage, to a lonely housewife who develops a surprisingly sweet relationship with the resident librarian, Reddi offers a refreshing look at the irresolvable duality of the immigrant experience.
Review: “In Celebration of Asian Pacific American Month: New & Notable Books,” The Bloomsbury Review, May/June 2007
Tidbit: Rishi Reddi was a guest at SALTAF 2007 (South Asian Literary and Theater Arts Festival), a much-anticipated, highly-attended annual fall event sponsored by the Smithsonian APA Program and NetSAP-DC.
Readers: Young Adult, Adult
Published: 2007