BookDragon Books for the Diverse Reader

My Papa Diego and Me: Memories of My Father and His Art by Guadalupe Rivera Marín and Diego Rivera

My Papa Diego and MeGuadalupe Rivera Marín grew up inspiring her legendary artist father, the Mexican muralist and sculptor Diego Rivera. Marin chooses some of her favorite works by her father – including a few for which she sat as his model – and shares both memories and lessons of growing up a famous daughter.

She recalls the orange her father gave her in hopes of keeping her quiet and still, which she instead ate much to her father’s annoyance before he could finish his painting of her. She tells about a portrait her father painted for a homeless family which they then sold for enough money to give them a hopeful start to a new life. She celebrates her father’s love of children whose images he immortalized in so many of his renowned murals.

The book is a lovely testament to the father/daughter relationship, as well as a perfect introduction for the youngest appreciators of memorable art. That it’s in both English and Spanish means even more children (and their parents!) can enjoy the book together.

Readers: Children

Published: 2009
