BookDragon Books for the Diverse Reader

This Is a Bust by Ed Lin [in Bloomsbury Review]

This Is a BustWhile Robert Chow’s life might be a bust, this second novel for the talented Lin turns out to be quite the page-turner. As the token Chinese policeman in 1976 New York Chinatown, Chow is also an all-American Vietnam vet, barely dealing with the inhumane aftermath of war by drowning himself in booze. While his higher-ups think he’s fit only for ribbon-cutting ceremonies and other photo ops, Chow manages to solve a Chinatown murder solo – it helps to speak the language! – and picks up a few true friends along the way.

Review: “In Celebration of Asian Pacific American Month: A Survey of New & Notable Books,” The Bloomsbury Review, May/June 2008

Readers: Adult

Published: 2007



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