BookDragon Books for the Diverse Reader

The Magical Monkey King: Mischief in Heaven by Ji-li Jiang, illustrated by Youshan Tang [in AsianWeek]

Magical Monkey KingThe Monkey King, one of the most popular figures in Chinese folklore, returns to entertain young children with his boastful, talented, ingenious, entertaining adventures. “Today, I am introducing our wonderful Monkey King to you. But this book contains only the first of many Monkey King tales. If you fall in love with him, I will tell you more stories about him, I promise,” writes Jiang in her preface – indeed, the collection is sure to leave children asking for more.

Review: “New and Notable Books,” AsianWeek, May 28, 2004

Readers: Children, Middle Grade

Published: 2004 (paperback reprint)
