BookDragon Books for the Diverse Reader

The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

Fault in Our StarsPerhaps you might label me odd (true) or contrary (no way!) or even disrespectful (dohhh!) to post about cancer and death today of all days, but let me just assure you that this really does make sense. Books like this are the best reminders to be aware, to dream … and to be very, very grateful in so many, many ways.

Here’s a minimal peek between the covers (to reveal any more would be utter injustice). Hazel Grace Lancaster is 16. In spite of being diagnosed with Stage IV thyroid cancer three years ago, her “Cancer Miracle” keeps her alive. At Support Group, she meets Augustus Waters, 17, a survivor of osteosarcoma. He fears oblivion. She suggests he ignore it. He insists she needs to see V is for Vendetta “now.” She responds, “I hardly know you, Augustus Waters. You could be an ax murderer,” but goes home to watch the movie with him anyway. End of chapter one. That’s all you need to know … except that you’ll giggle, laugh, sigh, wonder, appreciate all the way through.

If you choose the audible route (the version inspiringly, wrenchingly narrated by Kate Rudd – small warning: hard to run and cry at the same time), you’ll get a bonus interview with John Green at story’s end. He’ll tell you straight out that he doesn’t have any plans to ever write for us old folks, although he appreciates that so many of us do read his books. I confess I’m gluttonously enjoying a John Green-binge currently and have only his first left to go (posts coming). He’ll also mention that he doesn’t think he has quite the right voice for a 16-year-old girl (he does a surprisingly funny growl to prove his point), but you can listen to him (and see him in humorously awkward action!) here.

Book in the hand, stuck in your ears, glued to your screen … doesn’t matter how. Just do. You’ll thank me. Really.

For the rest of the John Green oeuvre on BookDragon, click here.

Readers: Young Adult, Adult

Published: 2012



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