BookDragon Books for the Diverse Reader

Say What? by Angela DiTerlizzi, illustrated by Joey Chou

Say What“How do we know / what animals say / when they say what they say / with their sounds every day?” How, indeed …?

So begins Angela DiTerlizzi’s adorably clever, humorous dictionary-of-sorts from animal-ese to kiddie-ese, delightfully animated with infectious energy by Joey Chou. “When a lion says ROAR, / does he really mean MORE?” With Papa Lion lugging the next load of playthings for his little cub shouting soapy demands from a tub surrounded by bubbles, the answer would be, ‘you betcha!

“When a sheep says BAA, / does he really mean MA?” With Mama Sheep making googly-eyes at her newborn lamb wrapped in a fluffy starburst blanket through the glass of the chic sheep maternity ward, you know it’s absolutely!

“When a cat says MEOW, / does she really mean NOW?” With time-pressed MommyCat trying to rouse her kitten from deep slumber as the clock quickly ticks away, you better believe it.

“They way what they say / in their own silly way, / when they say what they say / with their sounds every day.” As you share a new sort of language lesson with your littlest one, you’ll have ample opportunity to HISS/KISS … HOO/YOU … and be rewarded with a no-need-to-translate “I do love you so!” What a perfect way to start a cuddle-fest weekend. Happy Friday for sure!

Readers: Children

Published: 2011


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