Remembering Manzanar: Life in a Japanese Internment Camp by Michael L. Cooper [in AsianWeek]
“It is easy to understand why Japanese Americans want to know what happened in this war relocation camp,” Cooper writes. “But why is it important for other Americans to remember Manzanar?” Cooper necessarily questions. Hats off to Cooper for writing what I believe is a first-of-its-kind for young adults. The message is made especially more relevant by a final two paragraphs on the particular importance of remembering Manzanar, post 9-11: “Despite widespread fear of terrorism, few Americans suggested imprisoning people of Mideastern heritage in relocation camps. … The mistakes of the past have helped Americans understand that the United States is a diverse country, populated by immigrants from all parts of the world.” Let’s hope Cooper is right.
Review: “New and Notable Books,” AsianWeek, November 29, 2002
Readers: Children, Middle Grade, Young Adult
Published: 2002