Haunting Bombay by Shilpa Agarwal [in Bloomsbury Review]
Pinky Mittal, a 13-year-old schoolgirl in 1960s Bombay, lives with her extended family in a sprawling family bungalow in one of the city’s more fashionable neighborhoods. Her grandmother, who rescued her after her mother’s death as an toddler, dotes on her. Her aunt-by-marriage barely puts up with her. Her oldest cousin, in love with Lovely next door, barely notices her although Pinky finds herself suddenly swooning over him.
Late at night, Pinky does the forbidden and opens the creaky bolted door … and unleashes a vengeful spirit who was murdered all too early. Secrets emerge, lies are told, truth is repeatedly obscured, and no one in the family is safe from harm. This is some delicious spine-tingling, hair-raising, fun reading!
Readers: Adult
Published: 2009 (United States)