BookDragon Books for the Diverse Reader

Amulet | Book Seven: Firelight by Kazu Kibuishi

Amulet 7 by Kazu Kibuishi on BookDragonWhoa! The year-and-a-half wait for this, the latest volume in Kazu Kibuishi’s bestselling Amulet adventures, is finally over!! And was it worth the 18 months of excruciating patience?

You betcha!

So listen up: first and foremost, if this is the first  Amulet cover you’re seeing, stop here and go catch up with the previous six. I promise: You don’t want to deprive yourself of the utterly gleeful discovery of this exceptional, inventive, lively, adventurous series.

If you’re totally up to date and looking for a tiny sneak peek into lucky number Seven, here’s what I’ll divulge …

Mysteriously missing fathers loom large here: somewhere far away, Emily is spending a lot of time bonding with her Dad (never mind that he’s been dead for a few years); and in some dark part of his past, Trellis will need to figure out what happened with his estranged, ruthlessly dangerous Elf King progenitor. Any paternally-illuminating insights will require both children to trust a deceptive bounty hunter to take them where they shouldn’t go.

Meanwhile, in another world away, Navin and crew are cooking up their own means of escaping some of the less-than-friendly locals as they devise and revise ever-changing plans to get to Frontera as soon as possible. What they find once they arrive is a whole other story … to be continued, of course (and arghhhhh!) in Book Eight, I’d wager …

For now, the Voice just gets stronger. Who’s listening, who’s resisting? Ah, well … the ever-imaginative, always-intriguing Kibuishi will make sure we read on …

Readers: Middle Grade

Published: 2016
