BookDragon Books for the Diverse Reader

20th Century Boys (vol. 18) by Naoki Urasawa, with the cooperation of Takashi Nagasaki, English adaptation by Akemi Wegmüller

20th Century Boys 18“Guta-rara … suda-rara” might sound like nonsense, but these lyrics belong to the music that quite possibly could save what’s left of the 21st-century world …

Otcho reunites with Kanna, only to find out that she’s the people’s Ice Queen. He tries to convince her to call off the August 20th uprising against the Friends because such rebellion will only bring certain death. “Every person I’ve ever loved is dead!!” she screams, “… This time, it’s my turn!” She was tricked into taking the vaccine that saved her life, but the cost of survival has literally left her ready to die.

Meanwhile, at the Northern border, an alien who calls himself Yabuki Joe has managed to walk through the heavily guarded gates. Surrounded by armed soldiers ready to annihilate him, he gets up after the first shot (!) and growls, “… when somebody’s singing a song … you can’t shoot them.”

“Guta-rara” becomes a rallying cry, and the already gathering mob of desperate villagers is ready to believe a Messiah has landed in their midst. They’re more than ready to obey and follow, if only to hear his next concert. While he rides off into the mysterious yonder toward “home,” Otcho and Kanna end up in front of the Friends’ top henchman Manjome, and nothing goes as expected …

“Guta-rara … suda-rara” … let the music play on … at least for another two months when vol. 19 is set to debut (on Valentine’s Day). Repeat after me: Patience is a virtue, patience is a virtue (and yes, I’ve already pre-ordered up to vol. 21!).

Don’t miss the previous volumes of 20th Century Boys – click here.

Readers: Young Adult, Adult

Published: 2011 (United States)
20 SEIKI SHONEN © Naoki Urasawa/Studio Nuts
Original Japanese edition published by Shogakukan Inc.


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