BookDragon #WeNeedDiverseBooks

What a difference a year makes!

We Need Diverse Books Summer Reading Series

The pioneering folks at We Need Diverse Books are literally changing the face(s) of children’s publishing. Read all about it here.

This summer, BookDragon is honored to be contributing once again to #WNDB’s (now) annual Summer Reading Series. The books, they keep coming! Lucky for us all indeed.

The news in 2014 …

Childrens Books Infographic 18 24 V3

Let’s talk numbers: We the people of the United States are 37% people of color, and yet a mere 10% of our children’s books contain multi-culti content (thanks Lee & Low!). Need irrefutable justification why that’s detrimental to young readers? Just click here.

Since we could all use more diversity, meet We Need Diverse Books.

We Need Diverse Books [#WNDB] is a grassroots organization created to address the lack of diverse, non-majority narratives in children’s literature. #WNDB is committed to the ideal that embracing diversity will lead to acceptance, empathy, and ultimately equality. Get to know #WNDB here.

Together, #WNDB and BookDragon want to diversify your bookshelves. Watch this space for updates every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday through the rest of the summer.

Join the ongoing Summer Reading Series and discover new titles that embrace and amplify every ethnicity, culture, orientation, ability, religion, socioeconomic background, and more. Not to mention, these are just great books! Let’s get reading!